I don’t know if your home is anything like our home at this time of the year, but there is a lot of activity! There’s a lot of hustle and bustle and movement and rushing and well, just busyness. You see, it’s the holiday season in our home.
Now, I know not everybody celebrates during this time of the year and I completely respect everyone’s beliefs and culture and this is not a post about the Christmas season or the Holiday season in general.
It is just a post about how busy we have been in my home in the last few weeks. We’ve had Thanksgiving, and a Friendsgiving, many activities, many trips to the grocery store, the convenience store and the department store.
Not to mention many trips to my computer when we get an idea of what to order online either through Amazon or now TikTok shop.
Coupled with all of our personal busyness, I have truly tried to stay faithful to my work and everything I want to accomplish. I’m fine-tuning my Facebook lead ads, sending follow up emails to those on my list, listening and sometimes relistening to training, and now I am taking a TikTok Bootcamp class called YFS which stands for Your First Sales. More on that in future posts.
It really seems like I’m doing a lot of running around. I’m a big list maker. If I don’t write something down immediately, I will inevitably forget it. I even blogged about this a long time ago (here). To be perfectly honest with you, I love the satisfaction of crossing something off of my list. Well, my list has grown to several pages of things that need to get done both personally and professionally.
I’ve also made a commitment not to let my work life interfere with fun things I enjoy. So, I have made several trips to see my wonderful grandchildren and play with them and to spoil them, I have gone to a few hockey games and continue to watch those sappy and cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies that I mentioned in my blog last week.
A few days ago, while having a few moments of respite, I was talking to my wife about my upcoming blog and brainstorming on what it would contain. I absolutely love writing this blog as it gives me the time to interject my life story with my business aspirations. If you followed me for any amount of time you know I love to tell a story.
My wife, in her wisdom, reminded me that sometimes it’s important to slow down. I have been caught up in such busyness that I often don’t remember the reason that we celebrate during this time of the year. She was 100% right! She’s going to read this blog post and smile that I just admitted this fact. She will probably want me to remind you in the future that I said this and probably want to add that she is always 100% right! 😊
I love this season because it gives me opportunity to celebrate… celebrate my faith, my family, my friends and the general joy that comes with the season of togetherness and love. At least, that’s what this season for me is all about. I know, I probably sound like a Charlie Brown special.
Yes, there are gifts and packages and decorations and a lot of things. But the general thing that I celebrate is very personal and very special. I go through this every year and it takes someone like my wife to remind me to slow down and remember the importance of this season.
Then she told me, you should blog about this topic. And again, she was 100% right. So here I am admitting that I need to slow down and remember why I celebrate and not get caught up in the activities that cause distractions from those celebrations.
So, what does this have to do with running an online business? Well, I’m glad you asked!
I find that sometimes I get so caught up in my busyness and planning for my business that I forget the reason I’m doing my business. I get all these ideas and I run with them and then I get another idea and I run with it and then I get another idea… and as the shampoo commercial says, “rinse, wash, repeat!”
Why do I do this? Why do I get so busy and lose sight of the immediate task at hand and forget to focus on the reasons why I’m building this business and the reason it has been successful to this point.
What about you, do you get caught up in the busyness and forget to enjoy the moment like me? If so, how do you snap out of it?
Just this last week I was meeting with some of my peers over a Zoom call and we were discussing what we were going to be doing with our businesses. I had a lot to say but realized I was really trying to do too much. It was at that moment where I had to admit to myself I was doing too many things and not accomplishing, or really mastering, the most important thing at the moment.
I had to admit to myself that all the things that I wanted to do may not be the most important thing to do at this very moment. That doesn’t mean that they’re not beneficial, it just means that I’m not ready to commit to something that is a little bit past my expertise or grasp at this time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not slowing down and I don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon. I just plan to be more aware of what I’m doing and not forgetting the reason why I’m doing what I’m doing and enjoying the moment.
I’ve rambled enough! I’ve worked a full day today and as I’m looking at the clock right now it is getting late in the evening. I’ve accomplished a lot. However, I had an idea about an hour ago that I want to act on. But right now I am choosing to add that idea to my list of things that I want to do in the near future or possibly in the distant future when I am a little bit more ready and prepared. I don’t know, I’ll have to flush it out later as there is a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie about to start and my wife is waiting on the couch for me so that we can enjoy it together.
Thank you for reading this far and I truly wish you a very productive week full of meaningful activity which supports, but not distracts, your success.
“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” — Socrates
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” — Dolly Parton
And of course, a few VERY BAD Dad jokes:
I asked my wife if I was too busy this season. She said, “Yes, you’re acting a little elf-absorbed.”
Why didn’t the busy guy eat dessert? He just didn’t have pie-orities straight!
Until next time, STAY FRESH, Friends!
**If you are curious about this process and wish to know more about an affiliate marketing business, please subscribe to my newsletter here to learn more. And please continue following my blog. My hope is not only to create the freedom I so long for but pass on what I have learned to others who have similar aspirations.
Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” — Socrates
As you know, I am doing daily quotes on my you tube channel, and this one caught me. Why is a busy life barren?
I will make a video about that!
Nevertheless, your point is well taken. I almost forgot 2 important appointments this week, and remembered at the last moment and was able to follow through. Why? Because I forgot to write them down. I am not one who values busyness because people tend to use it as an excuse not to engage with other human beings. Not a good excuse!!
Hi Kate – I absolutely get what you are saying. If I utilize better time management I could contain and organize my busyness into chunks yet things done a little bit better and a little bit quicker. Writing down things for me is key but what is also key is organizing those lists into manageable action items. Thanks for your visits to my blog posts and I truly appreciate your insight! Have a great week!
Hey, Ernie!
I can relate to getting caught up in the busyness of life and business. Sometimes, I lose sight of the big picture in doing all the tasks, when if I kept it in sight, I’d probably have less to do. Your wife and my husband are similar. Derek keeps calm in almost every situation. He has a perspective I try hard to capture. Sometimes, I come straight out and ask him how he’s seeing things because I realize I’m a bit lost. His perspective is invaluable. I hope you and your wife enjoy the holidays to the utmost. You’ve inspired me to watch more Hallmark movies. LOL!
Hi Nakina – It is so easy to get caught up in all the business of life, right? I somehow wish I could slow down and enjoy things as they come, but that’s not in my nature. But I am learning to force myself to stop at times and when I do, I find that life can be wonderful! Thanks for your visit to my blog and for your comments!
Hi Ernie,
I really enjoyed reading your post, and it resonated with me, especially the part about getting caught up in the busyness of life and business. It’s so easy to get swept away by the hustle—whether it’s the holiday season or running an online business—and lose sight of why we’re doing what we’re doing in the first place. I agree wholeheartedly with the reminder from your wife: sometimes, it’s essential to slow down and reconnect with the core purpose behind our actions. I have been hearing it a lot from friends and family that I have been head down on the grind doing too much and not enjoying life, it’s hard to find the balance between the work I do for a paycheck, the businesses I am trying to make bloom, and spending time with loved one’s and self-care. Haven’t figured it all ou,t but it’s nice to know I am not the only one 🙂
Hi Alison – It seems that you and I are a lot alike in that we have a lot going on. That’s not necessarily a bad thing unless it gets in the way of us being productive and more importantly, enjoying life. I, too, need to listen to family and friends more when they tell me that I’m not quite as attentive or really not quite myself. I truly appreciate those reality checks so I can snap back into be me and not being into a version of me that is too busy to enjoy things. Thank you so much for your comments and for your visit to my blog!
We all get caught up in our busy lives sometimes. I am always happy about your injection of humor, and learning not to be so elfish. Sounds like your wife has lots of wisdom. Happy Christmas.
Hi Scott – Yes, we do get caught up in our busy lives. I always appreciate your comments and visits to my website. Thank you very much!
I absolutely love this! It’s like you’ve written the anthem for all of us who feel like life is a constant juggle of work, family, and festive chaos. I can relate so much to those never-ending lists and the satisfaction of crossing things off—seriously, is there a better feeling?
Your wife is 100% right (I’ll bet she’s smiling as she reads that line again)! Slowing down and remembering why we do all of this is such an important reminder, especially this time of year when everything feels like a whirlwind.
Also, can we talk about those cheesy Hallmark movies? They’re like a warm hug for the soul—predictable, overly sweet, and exactly what we need after a long day. I’m actually watching one while I write this!
Wishing you a joyful holiday season with your family, and I hope you cross everything off your list—well, except the ideas that can wait for another day. 😊
Hi Sarah – It seems like you and I are cut from the same cloth. We both have so much going on with work and family and as you put it… the festive chaos! I actually would not have it any other way as long as I can manage my time wisely and not forget the reason for this wonderful chaos. And I know, right, those Hallmark movies really get you. My wife and I watch one almost every night of the season to get us more in the Christmas spirit. Don’t get me wrong, we’re already there, this just intensifies it for us. You nailed it when you said it’s like a warm hug for the soul. We all know what’s going to happen at the end, yet it’s fun to watch it unfold. It’s like life, we just have to watch it unfold. Have a great weekend ahead!