When I Grow Up…

I remember from a very young age dreaming about what I wanted to do when I would grow up. I was just a little guy when I remember seeing firemen and policemen and thought that would be so cool. After all, you get to catch the bad guys and save the good guys. Then one day I saw a garbage truck and thought, I want to do that as I will get my hands on all the cool stuff that people throw away.

As I got a little older (not much), I discovered the wonderful world of sports and dreamed about being a professional football or baseball or basketball player. Eventually I got into competitive tennis and imagined myself playing at Wimbledon in front of the crowd as I hoisted the trophy on that Summer Sunday with everybody cheering.

And then I got a little bit older (high school age) and reality set in.  A career in pro sports may not be in the cards for me, so I started to think about some real jobs I could do. I had no idea what that looked like. I just envisioned myself wearing a suit and tie working in some big office building making a whole lot of money and having the world at my feet.

I didn’t have a plan I just had this daydream of what it was like to be successful. As I was getting ready to graduate high school, everyone started asking me those tough questions like “where are you going to go to college, what do you think you might want to do as a career, etc.?”  I had no idea!

I had long abandoned my aspirations to be a fireman or a policeman or a professional tennis player. I was not necessarily sure if I wanted to put on a coat and tie every day as that seemed pretty uncomfortable. And I certainly didn’t know where I wanted to go to school, or even if I did want to go to college. In my home, college was an expectation. So, I applied and was accepted to my first college of choice.

I thoroughly enjoyed my college experience. In my second semester, I made the decision to join a fraternity. And that decision, while it distracted me ever so slightly from pursuing strict study guidelines (that’s a fancy way of saying I attended several of their get togethers-another fancy way of saying parties), joining the fraternity turned out to be an incredibly good decision.

At this point however, I still did not know what I wanted to do and I was finishing up my university level core courses and needed to make a decision on a degree route. While in the fraternity, I ran for office, and I was voted in to be the Correspondent Secretary for our fraternity. That position required me to handle any correspondence that came in or out of our chapter.

What I learned from that experience was how to work with people and I realized that I wanted to serve and lead in some manner as a profession. But still, I had no idea what sort of career that look like.

Then it happened! I had a professor that was so encouraging and so motivating it changed my life. He taught a course on the American Presidency. It seemed like an easy course at the time… heck, I figured I’d learn the Presidents’ names and a little bit about them and get myself an easy “A.”

I discovered it was so much more than that. It was a course not on the American Presidents but how these individuals became leaders and what defined their administration and their leadership skill set.

It was not a partisan political course. It was a history lesson on what these individuals did that not only shaped their lives but helped to shape the course of a nation. And an unexpected bonus was that he was an amazing teacher whose class was always full has his instruction was not only educational but truly enjoyable. His passion for the topic and the way he taught class made me look at education in a different way.

I was enthralled! I reached out to this professor and started to ask him questions about his path and why he chose teaching political science. He became my mentor in college.

At that point in my life, I thought I knew what I wanted to do. I set my goals on running for political office one day. After much research, I discovered that many politicians had a law degree, so I decided that that was the discipline I was going to pursue.

During the summer of my junior year of college I was given the opportunity to work in Washington DC as a Senatorial Intern and a junior White House Intern. That is a very interesting story that I may decide to blog on at a different time. It was after that summer I decided not to pursue politics and a law degree. I had many reasons for this decision, none if which do I regret.

But I still had to graduate and had no idea what I was going to do. I remember during my senior year of college I was one credit short in taking a science course, so I decided to take geology. I figured, how hard could it be, rocks are cool! And I realized very quickly that the course was as hard as rocks, but I loved every moment of it and regretted that I had not become a geology major at that time.

And then another momentous thing in my life happened. I met the wonderful lady that I would marry someday.  It was too late to change my political science major, so I finished my studies, graduated, got married but I still did not know what I wanted to be when I grew up. What a way to start a life, right?

So not to make a long story even longer, I will briefly sum it up.  Somehow, over three different industries I fell into the field of human resources and progressed all the way up into a senior level position after 30 years. I was able to use many of my experiences in college, leadership and people skills I learned in the fraternity and my real-life educational stint in Washington DC to aid me in my career.

I absolutely loved it and thought I had finally found what I wanted to be when I grew up. But what I discovered approximately a year and a half ago is that I am still looking.  I made the conscious decision to leave the field and the company that I had worked for so long to pursue working for myself in an online business. It has been fantastic, yet I am still looking for what I want to be and to be perfectly honest, I hope I never stop looking.

For the first time in many years, I am content, I will always be grateful for what I have learned and for who I have worked with and worked for. But it is time to focus on what I want to do and that is to be a husband to my wife, a father to my children and a professional grandfather to my wonderful grandchildren. For me, the time that I want to give them, needs to my own time. Not time shared with corporate 9-5, daily mind-numbing traffic commutes and a barrage of meetings on my calendar as far as the eye can see.  So, I will keep looking and enjoy every moment of finding what I want to be when I grow up.

So, what does this have to do with running an online business? Well, I’m glad you asked!

When I first started my online business, I was focused on one niche. As I posted in previous blogs, I discovered that there’s a lot to do running and operating one’s own business. And I am thrilled to have the opportunity to succeed. Now that I have tasted some success, I have decided that I want to expand my online business options, diversify in what I will pursue on other platforms and look at additional revenue streams.

I don’t necessarily want to be the king of side hustles, I just want to do what makes me happy and allows me to accomplish my goals in a manner where I don’t deviate from my plan to work on my own terms. I have a lot of ideas! And I am very fortunate to have a mentor who will guide me, sometimes correct me but mostly encourage me. I also have peers who are in the same situation that I am that I bounce things off of. I’ve mentioned these individuals many times and I hope they know how indebted I am to them and how much I value not only our conversations but them as wonderful people.

As I’ve mentioned before, I have decided to pursue TikTok in addition to my other online ventures. I had a misconception of what TikTok was based on music and dancing and silliness. There is that, but there is so much more. As I mentioned in my last blog, I’m taking a course called YFS (Your First Sales) Boot Camp learning about TikTok and how to utilize its capabilities. TikTok has evolved into more than what it used to be and now it’s not only for viewers and creators but also sellers.

TikTok is revolutionizing the way people do business and the way consumers purchase goods and products. This boot camp course that I’m taking transcends to not only the TikTok platform but can be utilized for any online social media platform. More on this in future blogs.

Here’s my problem. It’s really not a problem, I’m just drawing a blank as to how I want to peruse this opportunity. In order to be able to access the full capabilities of TikTok, and other platforms, I need to have a certain number of followers. And in order to get those followers I have to have a unique niche or one that is well established. I haven’t quite figured out what that is yet. I have a lot of ideas but none of them are resonating with me. There’s a lot of things that I could do when creating video content whether it is short format or long format. But I do want to remain consistent in what message I deliver and what niche I represent.

My goal is not just to obtain followers on a platform. My goal is to add value in a way that represents me. So, I am searching for that perfect niche that fits me.

If you are using a platform like TikTok, how did you pick your niche and how did you get followers? And, more importantly how did you add value? I guess what I’m saying is when it comes to creating online video content, I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. But I am having fun searching and learning. I hope to discover my niche soon when it comes to these social media platforms so that I can jump on the train and enjoy the ride.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” – John D. Rockefeller

 And of course, a few VERY BAD Dad jokes:

“I thought about becoming a professional fisherman because I was searching for purpose… but I realized I was just angling for a job.”

“They say you should do what you love. I tried that, but napping doesn’t seem to pay the bills.”

Until next time, STAY FRESH, Friends!




**If you are curious about this process and wish to know more about an affiliate marketing business, please subscribe to my newsletter here to learn more.  And please continue following my blog.  My hope is not only to create the freedom I so long for but pass on what I have learned to others who have similar aspirations.


20 thoughts on “When I Grow Up…”

  1. Your honesty about still figuring it all out is so refreshing—who says we need to have it all sorted anyway? Life’s more fun when we keep learning, right?

    As for TikTok, I totally get that niche struggle. It’s like picking a favorite flavour at an ice cream shop with 100 options—so stressful but kind of exciting at the same time! My advice? Start with something that lights you up or reflects a unique spin on your experiences. Authenticity shines on TikTok, and people love connecting with someone who’s real. I’d personally love to know about your HR stuff….. The stories and any advise xx

    1. Hi Sarah – That is such a great analogy about the ice cream. There are so many things to choose from and they all sound so good but at the end of the day you just gotta choose one… or maybe 2. 🙂 Thank you for your thoughts and for your constant encouragement. You are one of my most favorite TikTokers because you are so real and authentic. I appreciate your visit to my blog post and for your comments. Having wonderful day and week!

  2. Hi Ernie,

    Thank you for sharing your journey, it’s so inspiring to see how you’ve navigated life and continue to take on new opportunities. Your focus on aligning your work with your values and prioritizing family is so refreshing, and it’s clear you’re heading in the right direction.

    When it comes to TikTok, I think you just need to start posting! I’ve seen your videos, and everyone loves them. You have such a natural way of connecting with people, and that’s a huge strength. I know it feels like a big commitment, but it will pay off in the end. Stay consistent, and you’ll do so well with it. Keep going, you’ve got this!


    1. Hi Meredith – You are just so kind with your comments! Thank you! You are right, I just need to make the time to do it and with practice I will get better and better… just like you! I love your short content videos point. I know it will pay off as it has paid off for you and you truly are an encouragement and your success is motivating. Have a wonderful week and thank you for your visit and comments!

  3. Ernie, as usual – your post has left me with a smile on my face. It is still a wonder how I ended up blogging about my growing up and career path as well this week.

    I wish I knew more about my native land of the US as I did leave at the age of 9 – but at the time my parents bought me a book of all the states. While I did carry a degree of proudness with me, my Canadian counterparts did give me a new perspective which often picked on stereotypes that I often defended as not being true. One of them being that everyone in the states lived in a concrete city. I just don’t know where that came from as I was from a small town of about 6,000 people.

    I can see a lot of me in what you describe about you in wondering what you want to be when you grow up. And more to the point of online video, I much prefer to proclaim the good news of what other people are doing that I think could help others – but with a faceless version. I’m fine with a little live hello but when someone is talking about something, I am more in tune with watching stock video as opposed to watching head-shot video of someone talking on and on. And I know there is a market for that.

    All the power to you to finding your place and jumping on the train to enjoy the ride.

    And a very happy and merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. I truly was hoping I would hear from you this week. Are always such an encourager and a motivator. I did read your blog this week and enjoyed getting to know you a little bit more through your adventures in life. Our life really is just a journey, right? Every time I read one of your blogs, I learned a little bit more not only about you but about the business, so for that, thank you. Merry Christmas to you, my friend!

  4. Hi Ernie,
    Your journey is incredibly relatable and inspiring! It’s fascinating to see how your aspirations have evolved over time. I love how you emphasize the importance of enjoying the search for your niche rather than just settling for a title or a job. Your insights about pursuing what makes you happy and the value of mentorship are refreshing. I’m excited to see where your exploration on platforms like TikTok will take you. Keep sharing your journey—it’s encouraging for those of us who are also trying to figure out our paths!

    And your dad jokes are a great touch! They certainly add a bit of humor to the quest for finding our purpose. Thank you for sharing!

    By the way, I was searching for the Saturday Social Sharing link from Dean on Facebook, but I can’t seem to find it. Did I miss something, or has there been a change? Any information you have would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Hello my friend! Thank you very much for your comments and for your visit to my blog. The feeling is mutual as I am finding so much value in your retirement niche. I’m glad I have you bookmarked or at least know where to go to get your information as I get closer and closer I will find it very valuable. For that matter, it’s already valuable now as I am in the planning stages. The Saturday Share was just posted yesterday by Sophie so no worries at all as we all were wondering but all is good. Have a wonderful week!

  5. Hi, Ernie!
    How about Jeeps? I remember an early blog article you wrote about your passion for Jeeps and a rubber duck tradition among Jeep owners. I found it fascinating and delightful! Last week, I went to Kroger, and there was a Jeep in the parking lot with lots of rubber ducks on its dashboard, and I thought of you! Because of you, I knew what that was about. You could have a TikTok channel where you leave rubber ducks on Jeeps and, likewise, make a video when you receive one. Talk about fun! You’d be a sensation!
    As always, I love to hear your stories!

    1. Hi Nakina – This really is a good idea! I love my jeep, and they didn’t really think about that as a niche. It could be a stand-alone or even fit in nicely into something else. I am so glad you visited my blog and commented as you gave me a lot of ideas. Thank you for the value in your comments and for visiting my blog post. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

  6. Yes, choosing a path of career or profession starts with a false premise: that one career choice is the answer. However we are multi dimensional beings and one thing seldom makes us happy. The act of simplifying life is important, but not at the expense of boredom, lol.

    We are all a work in progress.

    1. Hi Kate – I could not agree more and that we are all awake in progress. Where we start as often, or really most of the time, not where we will finish up. Once we accept that and embrace the change that will inevitably come, we will be much happier and more content. Thank you for your wisdom and for your visit to my blog! Have a great week, my friend!

  7. Hi Ernie,
    Great post and it just shows how sometimes, even when you don’t know what you’re going to be doing, things work out.
    I definitely love reading your story and more importantly, the frankness you write with in regards to your choices.

    I think the younger generation would do well sometimes to just sit down with us “greyed” out folks and just listen. I’ve had that chance a couple of times and like I told one young university student: it’s all about taking the time to choose.

    You won’t know if the choice was correct or not — at least most of the times — But you will have made a choice and that’s the best part about it all!

    Wishing you & yours a very merry and safe Holiday period!

    1. Hi Marc – Yes! You and I are on the same thought process. It’s all about choices and understanding that some of the choices may not be the best but we still have to make them. The choices we make today may affect us in the future and we may not even know it. I do agree that the younger generation may not accept that we have something to offer, but if I am honest, when I was their age, I often didn’t see it that way. Now that I do have some white hair, I understand a lot more. Mostly, I understand that I haven’t arrived yet and I welcome the choices and changes that will come! Thanks, and have a wonderful holiday season!

  8. I never new what I wanted to be when I grew up, I feel like I am still trying to figure this out. It’s so refreshing to hear how you embraced the uncertainty and continued searching for fulfillment, both professionally and personally.

    It’s amazing how life experiences, like your time in a fraternity and your internship in DC, ended up shaping your career path. It’s like one big experiment of figuring out what fits! Trial and error and being open to pivoting when things change. I think it’s so easy to feel pressure to have everything figured out, but I love that you’re embracing the journey and focusing on what makes you happy, even if you haven’t nailed down your niche just yet.

    1. Hi Alison – Yes, experimentation! That must be my middle name as that’s what I have been doing my entire life to try to find out who and what I want to be. Now that I’ve accepted changes inevitable, I’m enjoying it more and more. I still am on the search and probably always will be, but it is becoming fun now that I am changing my mind set. Thank you, my friend, for your visit to my post!

  9. Hi Ernie,
    It was a fantastic tour through your journey from childhood until now! Sounds like some very exciting times.
    It’s interesting to see how you were able to do a variety of education and fraternity, intern and work related roles that built a skill set that you could enjoy using in your HR career. And to think now doing online business which you love, you’re still looking for what you want to be. I think that’s a great place to be! I don’t think we should ever stop looking, because we really never stop growing, living, and becoming something. All the best every day!

    1. Hi Denny – You caught my message! And you did it in a more efficient manner. Ha ha ha ha! I totally agree with you and that we should never stop looking because when we do, we’ll stop growing living and becoming something better than what we are… isn’t that what we strive to be? Thank you for your visit to my blog and for your comments!

  10. Hi Ernie,
    Your past have shaped the man you are today. You had experiences that taught you lessons, and you growed within. Even if you don’t have a clear goal life has always one for you. You will find your niche no doubt.


    1. Hi Martin – I believe you are correct, and I have faith that I will find my niche. I have a pretty good idea of what it might be, but I just need to flesh it out some. Thank you for your nice comments and for your visit to my blog. Have a wonderful day, my friend!

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