
As I’ve mentioned in several previous blog posts, we are big sports fans in my family. We watch all the major sports and have teams to root for both on the professional level and the collegiate level. I guess I need to apologize to my wife for that, as now I have her watching and all my sports and she has started to follow all of these teams and players as well.

Don’t get me wrong, our whole life does not revolve around sports, but we do enjoy watching and going to games. One of our favorite things to watch is major league baseball. A lot of people think it is boring to watch a game, because there is minimal action and excitement in between the ball being pitched, hit, or a run scored.

I will admit, it is a lot more fun to be there live in the stadium in the midst of a cheering crowd during these games. However, we have found that it’s equally fun for my wife and I to watch a game together while we’re sitting on the couch. During the game, we have the opportunity to chat about the game but also to chat about our life in general. We talk about the kids, we talk about our goals, we reminisce about our past, we plan for future oh yeah, and occasionally there’s a great hit and something for us to cheer about.

We’ve also found that we enjoy listening to the commentators talk about the individual players. This has been my wife’s influence.  Before my wife. I just watched the game. Now I watch the game for the people that are playing the game as well. The commentators talk about their wives, their path to the Major League, their parents, their first hits, and just about everything in the players lives.

It’s fun to follow these players as they progress in their careers. Don’t worry, this is not going to be a post only about baseball. Thank goodness, huh? However, I want to briefly talk about a topic called the slump. Occasionally, you get a very good hitter up to bat but he just can’t seem to get hit.

Now, if a person is in the Major League, they obviously have the skill to hit the ball and to be successful. Baseball is the only sport that I am aware of where you can fail 70% of the time at the plate and still be successful. In other words, if you’re .300 hitter, or said another way, you hit the ball 3 out of 10 times, you are a hero! Well, there are times when even the best of these hitters just cannot seem to make contact with the ball.

We have watched some of our favorite players go through a long “slump.” Some of these players go 20-30 (or more) at bats without getting a hit.  You can see the discouragement on their face as these players hang his head and walk away from the missed the opportunity of getting a hit.

I do notice that most of their teammates, slap them on the back and say some encouraging words as most players have all been there before. It’s the fans that seem to be the most unforgiving when a player gets in a slump.

And then it happens! It’s like when a match gets lit to a fuse. The player in the slump gets a hit. In many cases that’s all they needed and their slump is over. They start to hit on a more regular and consistent basis. But they just needed that hit. It’s like the weight of the situation is finally lifted off of their shoulders and they now have the confidence back to do the job that they love.

Typically, the crowd goes wild. Their teammates are jumping up and down, the manager of the team smiles, and the fans are happy again. The player got a hit and is now out of his slump.  All is right in the world again and everyone is happy!

So, what does this have to do with running an online business? Well, I’m glad you asked!

For me this resonates in a big way. When I first started this online business, I thought that I was going to have to wait just a few weeks before I started to see some success and make all this money that many online promoters promised. I even blogged about it here as I talked about shiny objects and how one can get distracted by many shiny objects with the hopes and dreams of becoming an instant millionaire.

Fortunately, I did not fall for this, I landed in the program that I’m in right now and I am starting to see success. It took a while before I made my first dollar and I have to tell you it was a little discouraging. But I don’t quit! I followed the process and the system and I did everything I was advised to do.

I then added my own personal touches and made my business “me.” For example, this blog post. My blog post is different than many as I tend to tell a story and then correlate my story with running an online business just like I have done talking about a slump in baseball.

I shouldn’t feel so bad as my mentor took 4 years before he even made one dollar online and now he is wildly successful and helping me and so many other people to become successful.  When you are in a slump and you’re trying your hardest, sometimes it feels like you’ll never get that “hit.”

You wonder when the sales are going to start happening, you wonder when your emails are going to be answered, you wonder if anybody even cares about what you have to say. You have so many things to wonder about when you are stuck in a slump.

If you get into a slump, my biggest advice to you is easier said than done. There is no magic formula, but this has helped me. The first thing I do is:

  • Be mindful of my situation. I remind myself that I am new at this and that I do not need to compare myself to others as they are in a different place.
  • I focus on what I’m doing and I evaluate how I am spending my time. The program that I am in has a lot of good information about how to wisely spend time developing my business.
  • I get training from my mentor as well as reach out to others in this business.  I have networked and have made some really good contacts that have become really good friends. I have found that this has been extremely valuable as others are not only encouraging, but others are very helpful as well.
  • I step back and take a break.  I talk to my wife and those around me that support my initiatives.  I remember my WHYs – The reasons I entered this business.
  • Finally, I practice persistence and patience. I follow the proven process and stick to the four core items that have made people successful in this business. I make sure that I am following the simple four step process and I have seen success.
      1. Generate Traffic: This involves driving visitors to your website or landing page. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business. Without a steady stream of visitors, it’s impossible to convert leads into customers.
      2. Capture Leads: Once you have traffic, the next step is to capture the visitors’ information, typically their email addresses, through lead magnets such as free eBooks, webinars, or exclusive content. This allows you to build a database of potential customers who you can market to over time.
      3. Follow Up: This step involves nurturing your leads through email marketing campaigns, providing them with valuable content, and gradually guiding them through the buyer’s journey. Consistent and strategic follow-up can turn a cold lead into a warm prospect and eventually into a paying customer.
      4. Make Offers: Finally, making offers refers to presenting your products or affiliate offers to your leads. This should be done in a way that is compelling and persuasive. It’s about knowing when and how to present offers to your leads to encourage them to make a purchase.

These items are defined and discussed in detail, in the book I read that got me excited about this online business. If you’re interested in this FREE book, please click this link and check it out. It will only cost you a reasonable shipping fee but is invaluable!

*Hint – Check out chapter 5 as there is a lot more detail describing these four steps.

I have to tell you (but you already know), it is easy to get discouraged. You do all this work and nothing happens. And then one day you check your data and your statistics and you see it…A Sale… A Commission… You are finally out of your slump.

If you’re anything like me, you get up you do a little happy dance, you go tell somebody and then you smile a whole lot. And then, you get back to it because you’re on a roll at this point. You have momentum and you’re out of that slump and you’re ready for another hit.

What do you do when you get into a slump, whether business or something else anything you work hard at?  I’d love to hear you thoughts on this important mater.

So, step up to the plate, stare down that pitcher, smile just a little bit to make him think you know something, watch that ball coming… and enjoy the crack of the bat as your hit sails over the fence!

“Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter.” – Dan Reeves

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson

And of course, a few VERY BAD Dad jokes:

What do you call a baseball player who strikes out every time? An “out-standing” player!

What do you call a home run hit by a chicken? A “fowl” ball!

Until next time, STAY FRESH, Friends!




**If you are curious about this process and wish to know more about an affiliate marketing business, please subscribe to my newsletter here to learn more.  And please continue following my blog.  My hope is not only to create the freedom I so long for but pass on what I have learned to others who have similar aspirations.











16 thoughts on “Slumps…”

  1. Hey Ernie! I love baseball too. I was a fan of the Montreal’s Expos before they were sold. Since then sadly, baseball lose popularity in my region and many baseball fields were replaced by soccer fields. However I managed to play softball in a summer team. I will even play this winter, inside a big covered and heated installation! Slump is just a phase and it passes. With the right support, mindset and good work, we always find the success.

    1. Hi Martin – It would be a very sad day in our home baseball left the area so I completely understand your pain and frustration. So glad, however, you are keeping active with the love of this sport by participating in softball in different seasons. Yes, slump is just a word! It is something that can be overcome with the right attitude and mindset. Thanks for your visit and for your comments!

  2. Hey Ernie!
    Long time no talking to my friend.I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues, but I am bound and determined
    to get back into the “swing” of things! (catch that baseball pun-swing and catch).
    I am doing the FB Lead Ads Program now and getting things “sliding” into place. I did it again.This is fun.
    Well , I will talk to you soon, as we both continue to try and hit it out of the park! Again! HaHa!!
    Take Care,
    JIm O’Brien

    1. Hi Jim – I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through some personal issues and I truly hope everything works out for the best, my friend! I think you will like doing Facebook lead ads as if is an automatic send of your welcome email sequence once it is established. The key is to get the right lead magnet and the right picture to hook your potential customer in to viewing your advertisement. Best of luck and I’m rooting for you!

  3. Hi Ernie,

    What a fantastic read! I love how you’ve connected your passion for baseball with your experience in online business. It’s such a relatable analogy, the slump and getting that first “hit” really does mirror the ups and downs we face in any venture, especially in business. Your persistence and mindset are so inspiring, and it’s great that you’ve found a way to celebrate those small wins along the way. Thanks and I hope you have a fantastic week!


    1. Hi Meredith! Thank you for your visit and for your comments to my blog. I am glad that you found meaning in the analogy from this post. I appreciate your comments, however, it is I that has inspired with your work and your content and video production. Seriously, truly inspiring! Again, thank you for your visit and have a great finish to the week!

  4. Hey, Ernie!
    Congratulations on your first sale! Here’s to many more to come! I love your stories. I smile every time I read your blog. In fact, today you’ve tempted me to watch a baseball game! I am currently in a slump, and you remind me soon, I will come out of it. Thanks for the image of making a hit soon! Have a great week, my friend!

    1. Hi Nakina – Thank you so very much for your kind words and encouragement. I appreciate that you read my blogs every week and that you comment often. It really does mean the world to me that some people want to hear what I have to say. Hang in there while you process through your slump. You just never know when you’re going to get your “hit” and move forward. Enjoy baseball as we are now in the postseason when you will see the sport at its best. Have a great finish to the week!

  5. Hi Ernie,
    Great post that brought some great memories to me as well!
    Slumps will happen, it’s how you get out of them that will truly bring a smile to your face!
    Thanks for the reminder Ernie!

  6. Loved this post! Totally relate to the slump analogy—it’s so true, whether you’re talking about sports or business. Sometimes, all it takes is that one “hit” to get back into the groove and reignite the momentum. I also appreciate the reminder to be patient, persistent, and mindful of where we are in our journey. Success takes time, and comparing yourself to others can be such a trap. Thanks for sharing your experience, especially the personal touch of how you and your wife enjoy the games—made it feel like I was reading an update from a close friend.

    1. Hi Sarah! – It is great to hear from you, and as always, I appreciate you reading and commenting on my blog. Yes, it is easy to get in the slump sometimes but not as easy to get out. Patience and persistence helps but as you say, mindfulness is part of the key. I feel the same way when I read your blog posts that I’m hearing from a friend. I hope you are doing well and have a fantastic finish to the week!

  7. Ernie, nice job on this post. I must say I am one of those that do not get much excitement out of watching a baseball game. And perhaps I should have gone out to the ball game – that one time I had a business trip to Houston.

    Well it turns out I am in a slump – and it’s self-inflicted. I didn’t have to take my accountant’s advice – and if I did not, I bet I could have gotten myself out of this slump on my own with continued effort in this line of business.

    But I made my choice and because of that I am able to rely on having a comfortable retirement and I look forward to continuing the affiliate marketing journey come early next year.

    I’m finding that while I am in this slump, it is beneficial to shout out to the social media world about those like you that inspire me and are making incremental gains in their business and celebrate their success.

    Carry on my friend. I am proud.

    1. Hello – Thank you for these words! Being in a slump is excruciating at times. The word slump is yucky to say and it’s not very appealing, huh? We are all accountable to our choices and I am so pleased to see that you are going to be able to retire and continue on with this affiliate marketing journey. Thank you for the shoutouts and your email to everyone on your list does not go unnoticed. I am eternally grateful for your support. Have a great weekend, my friend!

  8. I am not a sport fan but certainly understand the analogy. We all go through slumps, and we may not always know how to rise above the challenge. My go to is to take a small walk (saving the longer walks for later in the day). My little dog Maso is a constant cheering companion. My old dog Pearl just turned 13, and seems like she is doing well, but we all know, dogs don’t live long lives. She’s pulled me out of many slumps, as I have for her. Truth be told, Maso has pulled both of us up, the comedian he is. Laughter and humor are major in changing perception! Onward.

    1. Hi Kate – It truly is amazing how our furry friends and companions can make things better when we are feeling down. Sometimes that unconditional love from a face who can sense that you have pain or just not yourself is so incredibly comforting. I am glad you have your dogs to help you get through tough times and out of your slumps. Thank you for your visit and for your comments!

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